Results for "Etruscans"

Cover image for The Etruscans: The Greeks’ and Romans’ “Mysterious” Neighbors

The Etruscans: The Greeks’ and Romans’ “Mysterious” Neighbors

The Etruscans are not as well-known as other ancient peoples of the Mediterranean, like the Greeks and the Romans, but they definitely should be! In fact, you might be surprised...

Cover image for The Vie Cave: Inscrutable Ancient Roads

The Vie Cave: Inscrutable Ancient Roads

Cut deep into the tufa rock—a distinguishing feature of Tuscany’s beautiful Maremma region—the Vie Cave are a network of ancient roads made by the fascinating Etruscan civilization. Walking along these...

Cover image for Pitigliano’s Ancient Etruscan Treasures

Pitigliano’s Ancient Etruscan Treasures

Pitigliano is one of the best places to learn about the Etruscans, the ancient people who settled in central Italy before the Romans. They had a truly fascinating civilization, and...

Cover image for The Spooky Early History of Volterra

The Spooky Early History of Volterra

Fans of the popular Twilight series will probably be familiar with Volterra as the home of a clan of ancient vampires. However, learning about the early history of this fascinating...

Cover image for Siena: From the City’s Founding to the Medici

Siena: From the City’s Founding to the Medici

The story of Siena’s founding is legendary, linking the Tuscan city with the glory of Rome, but you’ll soon find that Siena has a glory all its own. In fact,...

Cover image for Cortona: Troy’s Mother and Rome’s Grandmother

Cortona: Troy’s Mother and Rome’s Grandmother

Find out why locals call this quiet hillside town “the mother of Troy and the grandmother of Rome.” Although the story is mostly based in myth and legend, it’s a...

Cover image for Lucca: A Stage for the Drama of Roman Politics

Lucca: A Stage for the Drama of Roman Politics

Lucca’s marshy lands made it incredibly fertile, leading the ancient Etruscans to establish a settlement here. However, they were soon overpowered by the ancient Romans, who really made the small...

Cover image for Daily Life for the Etruscans

Daily Life for the Etruscans

The Etruscans aren’t as famous as their successors, the Romans, but they should be! These ancient people who inhabited central Italy over two thousand years ago were fascinating, not just...