Results for "Volterra"

Backbones of the Roman Empire
Roads, bridges, sewers, and aqueducts were the networks that connected the vast Roman Empire, which, in its heyday, encompassed an area of 5 million square kilometers. To keep it all...

Daily Life for the Romans
When the Romans come to mind, it’s easy to picture famous figures like Julius Caesar or monumental buildings like the Colosseum. But what was life really like in Ancient Rome?...

Volterra: From the Romans to the Present Day
Continue learning about Volterra’s captivating history, and you’ll understand why blocks of marble from the town’s ancient Roman ruins can be found in many of its medieval structures—including the town’s...

The Etruscans: The Greeks’ and Romans’ “Mysterious” Neighbors
The Etruscans are not as well-known as other ancient peoples of the Mediterranean, like the Greeks and the Romans, but they definitely should be! In fact, you might be surprised...

Rosso Fiorentino’s Deposition from the Cross
Rosso Fiorentino’s name may not be as well-recognized as those of other Italian Renaissance painters, but when you visit Volterra’s Civic Museum, you’ll wonder why. There, you’ll find his stunning...

Luca Signorelli’s Annunciation in Volterra
Luca Signorelli was one of the best painters of the Renaissance, and his Annunciation in the ancient town of Volterra is one of his best paintings. Learn why Signorelli was...

The Spooky Early History of Volterra
Fans of the popular Twilight series will probably be familiar with Volterra as the home of a clan of ancient vampires. However, learning about the early history of this fascinating...